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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Current event: Debating Hip Hop

Hip Hop is just another form of music but it is the one that has the most controversy and criticism. It has been blamed for the actions of young black Americans and that it has a huge influence on them. Theses accusations have forced many famous black public figures to change their views on hip hop and want to change the lyrics in the songs. Some of these changes would be bleeping or completely deleting dirty words. Many rappers have refused to do this, some saying that if they did that they wouldn't sell any Cd's or that it would completely go against the image that they have established for themselves. Rapper Fifty cent says that if he watered down his lyrics, that it would change his thug image of drug dealer turned rapper and his music sales would go down. Another debate of hip hop is that its sales have gone down and it has fallen to third place behind country. the main reason for this is that most of hip hops buyers are rich white suburban kids that can afford to buy the Cd's and that the majority of listeners black teenagers cannot afford the Cd's and would most likely buy bootlegs or illegally download the songs. In my opinion hip hop will thrive over the next couple of years and establish itself as genre that is here to stay, because when Rock and roll first appeared many people didn't like it, but now it leads the genres in record sales.

Katel, P. (2007, June 15). Debating hip-hop. CQ Researcher, 17, 529-552. Retrieved February 10, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online, http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/cqresrre2007061500.