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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Analytic Backround

Music has always been around since the beginning of time, people only started recording it in the 16th century. Music is all around us, it surrounds us, there are so many different types of music, but the two main categories are classical and popular. Classical, is usually jazz and other genres that were popular during the beginning of the 20th century. While popular music is mainly rock, country and hip hop. Music allows people to express how they feel and allows others to relax in it. It pumps people up and it calms them down, makes the happy or it makes them sad. Music thrives through people, it runs through their veins. There are so many different types of music; it seems that each person has their own individual genre. Some genres have died out over time, while some have survived through the good times and the bad. For example, jazz was invented after the Civil War and it thrived for a while, everything was jazz. Then something new came and replaced it, but jazz regained popularity again and still remains popular to this day. Music will always be around.
For people who are more visual than audio, there is the American Theater and American Film. Theater became more popular in America after the Civil War and continued to be popular. It became popular after the war because, before America wanted nothing to do with Britain and theater reminded them of it. Theater truly thrived after the Civil War, with its most famous play being Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The beginning of the Twentieth Century was not so kind on American Theater, with the invention of motion picture. Motion picture was first short silent, gag news reels, but then developed into feature length films lasting two to three hours. The first feature film was the silent film “The Great Train Robbery”. The actors in these films were celebrities among the people of America. After the first world war the film industry went through several changes, one of them being moving from the East coast to the West, going to Hollywood. The big change was the invention of sound in films. This completely changed films and it attracted more viewers, which was worse for theater. With the invention of television, the film industry entered a slump and fought through it by making movies people could only see at the movie theaters and gave viewers an experienced that could not be achieved at home. Movie still do this to this day, with films like “Avatar” and “Titanic”, that have special effects and 3d that can only be seen at theaters. The American Theater and American Film, have both been through hard times but, they will always be around because they allow people to escape into another world.


Kramze said...

You need a lot more specificity here Chris. This is far too vague and general, with a lot of information that you probably knew prior to embarking on this project. What did your research say? What is important to know about these topics in AMERICAN HISTORY?
Mr. Kramer

Gabriela said...

I agree with Mr.Kramer. I think you need to explain more on how the invention of sound affected audiences in America. What made the audience come back for more? I liked how you compared the film industry to modern film industry when you wrote about Avatar and the Titanic. I think that if you elaborate a little more, it would add more to the blog.

Aliza said...

I agree with Mr. Kramer and Gabriela because I had a hard time figuring out what your specific idea was in the response. I also think that your first paragraph may be too focused on some of your opinions about what music means, and less about the facts. In the end of it though I like how you bring up the Civil War. You might wanna talk about the impact music had during that era, and how it helped people through the difficult times as a way to escape the horrible times they were going through with the war. I could be wrong but I think an important topic for you to talk about could be how music affected the people in America. Instead of the actual production of music, how did it make an impact through out country?