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Thursday, December 16, 2010


When I first look at each site, I am instantly more drawn to the pro choice website, instead of the pro-life website. The pro-choice website looks professional, it is easy to find things and easy to read. While on the pro-life website, it looks like any random person could make it. It seems like it took the creators ten minutes to make it and the majority of the time was occupied by cutting and pasting. One thing that I did like about the Pro-life website was the statistics. This is one thing that the pro-choice thing did not have. Stats are always good to have because they are true, informative and easy to read. The pro-choice website is more informative and seems to be winning the argument. One of the things that helps it, is that they have a link to show that there is no link between abortion and mental health. While the other site just has a small paragraph about the issue, After seeing these two sites, my thoughts on Pro-life people have gone down. Mainly beacuse of the layout of the site. It seems that they spend more time protesting instead of informing people on the internet.

Parental Notification
If a daughter is 17 or 18 the parent should be notified. They should be notified because if you are 17 you are still in your parents care and most 18 year olds don't move out right away. Parents deserve the right to know if there kid is having an abortion, because it is a family matter at this age. A baby doesn't only affect the daughter, it affects her whole family. At this age a baby is another mouth to feed, someone else to take care of. Parents have a huge say in this, since they will be paying for most of these things. Parents should have a say, but they shouldn't have the power to chose. The choice should alwyas be the one of the person having the abortion..

Father Notification
The father should only be notified if the women wants him to know. And in most cases tthe would woman would have already told the father. Abortion Clinics should not be forced to tell the father against the woman's will. And if the father does know about this he should not have to consent. Again it is the woman's choice and she should not be forced to do something that she doesn't want to do. So the father should only be notified if the woman agrees to it. But he shouldn't have a right to chose. If he wanted to keep the baby, he could talk to his wife about it, but his consent is not necessary.

Illinios Abortion Laws
Well the first thing I disagree with is the ban on abortion after 12 weeks. Illinios should give women the right to abort their baby, if they want to. It is a private matter and they should not have a say in it. Women should not be forced to only have 12 weeks, because there are unknown factors, like money and access to transportation. Another thing that I disagree with is Spousal notification. The spouse should hear this from his wife, but only if she wants to tell him. SHe should not be forced to do this. Also refusal to provide health services is another dislike, because women might need these services for other things. But some good things are a woman's acess to emergency concraception and low income access to abortion. So in conclusion one of the things I would change with the Illinios law would be the 12 week maximum.