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Monday, January 17, 2011

Outside Reading #3

In this part of the book Moazzam is being transfered from the Pakistanis to Guantanamo. Even though he is being moved he still has not been told why he is in captivity. Begg assumes that his detention was based on fundraising that he did to help Bosnian Muslims in the 1990's, including going on aid caravans to the war-torn region, and a short 1993 visit to a military training camp in Afghanistan.Also Begg ran an Islamic bookstore and was under surveillance by the M15, since the mid-1990's. Still none of this means that he is a terrorist or did nothing wrong. This is very frustrating because. when you read the novel you are on Begg's side and want him to be released so he can go back to his family. Begg has mostly been confronted by Pakistanis up to this point, but now he is being confronted by Americans. Even though we know that they won't help him, Moazzam does and a little part of me does also. I still don't understand why the United States has realized that they got the wrong guy and just let him go. I thought that we were better than this.